
WL-5 Weishaupt Gas Burner

All W Series Weishaupt Burner use the latest microprocessor technology for the control and monitoring of all the burner functions. As a result not only do they offer improved precision and ease of use but they also represent fantastic value for money. 

Monarch Weishaupt Gas Burner

Weishaupt gas burners satisfy the requirements of operating reliability, easy installation, good operation, convertability to a different type of gas and low noise operation.

Industrial Weishaupt Gas Burner

Weishaupt industrial burners, sizes 30 to 70, has been especially designed for industrial capacity ranges. The monobloc burners are noteworthy for their large capacity and operational ranges

WM Series Weishaupt Gas Burner

Weishaupt WM Series gas burners are equipped as standard with electronic compound regulation and digital combustion management. Modern combustion technologies demand a precise, continually reproducible dosing of fuel and combustion air. Only in this way can optimal combustion figures be ensured over extended periods